Cry For Me

Artista: The Weeknd

Duración: 224.136 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2025-01-31

Cry For Me lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Cry For Me

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Letra de Cry For Me

Ooh, yeah

Ooh, yeah

I can feel it

Girl, pick up your phone, I can't believe it

I can feel my spirit slowly leaving

I can see myself and I'm not breathing, ah

I'm not breathing (I'm not breathing), slowly bleeding (bleeding)

I wish that I told you all my feelings (feelings)

I hope that I live life for a reason (reason)

But at least you played this song when I'm gone

And I hope you cry for me like I cry for you

Every night for you

Take it easy on me, baby

'Cause I tried with you, saw my life with you

End of time with you

Now we're strangers

And I hope that you still cry for me like I cried for you

Every night for you

I've been living with this lie, now I can't hide the truth

I can't hide the truth

Girl, I'll cry for you

Girl, I'll cry for you, ooh, yeah

I can't see clear, I wash my fears

With whiskey tears

I disappear, don't interfere

The end is near

The crowd will scream, I block my ears

To stop the cheers

'Cause this stage took a toll, been faded on the floor

In this penthouse prison, I'm alone

And I hope you'll cry for me like I cry for you

Every night for you

Take it easy on me, baby

'Cause I tried with you, saw my life with you

End of time with you

Now we're strangers

And I hope that you still cry for me like I cried for you

Every night for you

I've been living with this lie, now I can't hide the truth

I can't hide the truth (hide the truth)

Girl, I'll cry for you

Girl, I'll cry for you, ooh, yeah

Every time I hit the road, it takes a little piece of me

Kills me slowly (slowly)

When I needed you the most, you always gave me sympathy

Now you're over me (over me)

Now you're better on your own, it ain't a fuckin' mystery

You've been showing me

Now I've been burning up my home, baby

I've been burning up my home

And I hope you cry for me like I cry for you

Every night for you

Take it easy on me, baby

'Cause I tried with you, saw my life with you

End of time with you

Now we're strangers

And I hope that you still cry for me like I cried for you

Every night for you

I've been living with this lie, now I can't hide the truth

I can't hide the truth

Girl, I'll cry for you

Girl, I'll cry for you, ooh, yeah

(Ooh, yeah)

Significado de la letra: Cry For Me

Esta canción "Cry For Me" del artista "The Weeknd" se estrenó el 2025-01-31, tiene una duración de 224.136 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: . No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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