Artista: Coldplay

Duración: 222.647 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-10-26

ALL MY LOVE lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: ALL MY LOVE

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Letra de ALL MY LOVE

Significado de la letra: ALL MY LOVE

Esta canción "ALL MY LOVE" del artista "Coldplay" se estrenó el 2024-10-26, tiene una duración de 222.647 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: permanent wave, pop. “ALL MY LOVE” is a soft rock ballad on Coldplay’s 10th album Moon Music about love, dedication, and devotion. It serves as the final single from the album and the band’s discography overall.\n\nOn June 9th, 2024, Coldplay played a concert in Greece, and during the final song, “Biutyful”, a man draped in an Israeli flag attempted to climb onto the stage. The attempt was unsuccessful as he fell and took part of the lighting equipment with him, leading to Chris aborting the song and checking on him. A clip of the incident can be seen here. Chris then played this song solo on his keyboard to make up for aborting “Biutyful”.\n\nA few weeks later, a very brief snippet of the studio version can be heard in this video, which revealed that the rest of the band would play on the studio version.\n\nThe song was played live for a second time in Dublin on September 2nd, and Chris Martin (as the character Nigel Crisp) sung along to the backing track at Dino’s Lounge, a famous karaoke bar in Las Vegas, on September 21st.\n\n“ALL MY LOVE” was later released on Moon Music on October 4th, with a lyric video following Nigel as he hands out red balloons to people in Las Vegas – clips of the Dino’s Lounge performance are included.
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