Video de YouTube para la canción: Cinnamon Girl
URL de YouTube: de Cinnamon Girl
Compuesta por: Lana Del Rey ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.
Letra añadida por Pablo Rosero ¿Viste algún error? Envíanos una revisión.
Significado de la letra: Cinnamon Girl
Esta canción "Cinnamon Girl" del artista "Lana Del Rey" se estrenó el 2023-07-04, tiene una duración de 300.683 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: art pop, pop. In “Cinnamon Girl,” Lana Del Rey expresses conflicted feelings about an intense and possibly unhealthy relationship, while begging her love interest to nurture her instead of hurting her.\n\nIn this song, Lana alludes to her history with men, while juxtaposing themes such as love and sweetness with darker things such as drugs and pain.\n\nMusically, the backing track is as addictive as the pills Lana references in the verses. The steady chorus beat that mimics the waves of an ocean lapping on a beach works up to a euphoric post-chorus which allows Del Rey to demonstrate her vocal range control.\n\nIn her 2012 track “Radio” (also known as “Cinnamon”), Del Rey refers to her life as “sweet like cinnamon,” which in itself is sweet and spicy.\n\nCinnamon is the perfect spice to showcase Lana’s transition from darker days in Ultraviolence to her newfound optimism, as seen in Lust For Life and now, Norman Fucking Rockwell!.\n\nThe song borrows its title from a Neil Young classic. While the aging rocker may seem an unlikely influence for Lana, she also referenced him on 2017’s “Get Free.”\n\nLana initially teased two song snippets in separate Instagram posts. The first was posted on October 12th (which was later deleted), and a follow up was posted on October 15th.
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