
Artista: Tori Amos

Duración: 222.866 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2021-08-27

Bliss lyrics

Video de YouTube para la canción: Bliss

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Letra de Bliss

Significado de la letra: Bliss

Esta canción "Bliss" del artista "Tori Amos" se estrenó el 2021-08-27, tiene una duración de 222.866 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: dark pop, ectofolk, lilith, melancholia, new wave pop, permanent wave, piano rock, singer-songwriter. Like many of her songs, this electronic alt-rock track was inspired by Amos\' strict religious upbringing that hindered her self-expression. She explained in a 1999 Alternative Press interview: “Sometimes, when you express thought to people, you leave it open for somebody to tromp in there and start tearing it down. I sing, ‘Father I killed my monkey,’ to lead off the song, which explains that sometimes you even destroy your own so they can’t excavate it. When I was growing up, I started becoming very secretive about my thoughts and the sensory world I would go to, because there’s a lot of mind control that goes on constantly, people wanting access: ‘What are you thinking?’ So sometimes I’d have my own defense going, which would be to look them straight in the eye and make them think I’ve killed my imagination. But it’s like, I’ll take control.”
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