No One Noticed

Artista: The Marías

Duración: 236.906 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-08-23

No One Noticed lyrics

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Letra de No One Noticed

Significado de la letra: No One Noticed

Esta canción "No One Noticed" del artista "The Marías" se estrenó el 2024-08-23, tiene una duración de 236.906 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: bedroom pop, la indie. On ‘The Marías’ sophomore album, ’Submarine’, serving as the 11th track; ‘No One Noticed’ sees Maria being torn up by her lover, feeling unnoticed by him as she slowly unravels in how she truly feels\n\nIt, sonically, takes a sombre tone, as Maria’s ever so docile and airy voice is accompanied by a low-tempo guitar beat until becoming a focal point after the mid-section crescendo, and a wobbling drum pattern in the second verse, reminiscent of her own fragile mind. The reverberations and secondary voice noted in this song, primarily in the chorus and refrain, serve to be this dichotic force in the track, pushing further the idea that Maria is ‘unravelling’, quote en quote, as her lover left her bitter, but deep down, in her torn state of mind, she still desperately wants him back
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