Video de YouTube para la canción: drivers license
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Compuesta por: Olivia Rodrigo ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.
Letra añadida por Diego Salas¿Viste algún error? Envíanos una revisión.
Significado de la letra: drivers license
Esta canción "drivers license" del artista "Olivia Rodrigo" se estrenó el 2021-08-11, tiene una duración de 242.013 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: pop. “drivers license” is Olivia Rodrigo’s debut single. It is a rumored love ode about moving on from her past relationship with Joshua Bassett, who supposedly started dating Sabrina Carpenter, by doing the one last thing that she promised him—getting her driver’s license. The song showcases a brilliant balance of unfiltered outpouring and graceful specificity. Its accompanying music video spins a vivid portrait of Rodrigo as she drives aimlessly, longing for an ex-love.\n\nThe song was teased several times before its release. On July 23, 2020, Olivia posted a snippet of the song on Instagram with the caption “wrote dis the other day. vv close to my heart. gonna call it drivers license I think lol.” She then posted another two snippets in December 2020, captioning them with “soon” and “sooner.” On January 4, 2021, she officially announced the song’s release.
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