Say It Ain't So Original Mix

Artista: Weezer

Duración: 258.825 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2021-12-10

Say It Ain't So Original Mix lyrics

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Letra de Say It Ain't So Original Mix

Oh, yeah


Somebody's Heine'

Is crowdin' my icebox

Somebody's cold one

Is givin' me chills

Guess I'll just close my eyes

Oh, yeah


Feels good


Flip on the telly

Wrestle with Jimmy

Something is bubbling

Behind my back

The bottle is ready to blow

Say it ain't so

Your drug is a heartbreaker

Say it ain't so

My love is a life taker

I can't confront you

I never could do

That which might hurt you

To try and be cool

When I say

This way is a waterslide away from me

That takes her further every day

So be cool

Say it ain't so

Your drug is a heartbreaker

Say it ain't so

My love is a life taker

Dear daddy, I write you

In spite of years of silence

You've cleaned up, found Jesus

Things are good, or so I hear

This bottle of Steven's awakens ancient feelings

Like father, stepfather

The son is drowning in the flood

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Say it ain't so

Your drug is a heartbreaker

Say it ain't so

My love is a life taker

Significado de la letra: Say It Ain't So Original Mix

Esta canción "Say It Ain't So Original Mix" del artista "Weezer" se estrenó el 2021-12-10, tiene una duración de 258.825 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: alternative rock, modern power pop, modern rock, permanent wave, rock. No se encontró información sobre la canción.
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