Better Days (feat. John Mayer)

Artista: Zach Bryan

Duración: 212.466 segundos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2024-11-02

Better Days (feat. John Mayer) lyrics

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Letra de Better Days (feat. John Mayer)

Don't get angry, listen to the sounds

Them good times will find a way back around

And I've got the answers, go on and touch my skin

Them better days always come back again

This life's a boat, boy, it all comes in waves

On the radio, her laughter, and sweet mistakes

And I wasn't loved well as a younger child

So I'll pray these better unstable days, they stay awhile

So don't get hateful, Lord, hot damn

There's a fire burnin' in the back 40

I'm still findin' out who the hell I am

And I'm so tired of wastin' it away

Gonna find the time to realize

I'm in deep on better days

She always told me there'd be times like these

With a blue guitar, a city bar, and a streetlight kiss

But I've never known quite what I deserve

You try so hard and wind up gettin' burned

So don't get hateful, Lord, hot damn

There's a fire burnin' in the back 40

I'm still findin' out who the hell I am

And I'm so tired of wastin' it away

Gonna find the time to realize

I'm in deep on better days

So don't get hateful, Lord, hot damn

There's a fire burnin' in the back 40

And I'm tryin' to change the man I am

And I'm so tired of wastin' it away

Gonna find the time to realize

I'm in deep on better days

Gonna find the time to realize

I'm in deep on better days

Compuesta por: Zach Bryan, John Mayer ¿Los datos están equivocados? Avísanos.

Significado de la letra: Better Days (feat. John Mayer)

Esta canción "Better Days (feat. John Mayer)" del artista "Zach Bryan" se estrenó el 2024-11-02, tiene una duración de 212.466 segundos y pertenece a los géneros musicales: classic oklahoma country. During the tracking week ending July 20, 2024, the song debuted at #46 on the Hot 100. The song marks Mayer’s first appearance on the chart in five years since charting with his solo single “I Guess I Just Feel Like” and as a feature on Khalid’s “Outta My Head” in 2019.
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